Trackunit platform outage
Incident Report for Trackunit
We have fully recovered all systems.

A full root cause analysis will be performed off the incident both in conjunction with our 3rd party provider, as well as internal to Trackunit to determine any necessary actions to reduce impact in the future.
Posted Jul 19, 2024 - 21:18 CEST
All Trackunit systems have been recovered.
There is a small queue left in IRIS that we are currently parsing through and estimate to be completely caught up in 1 hour and 30 minutes.

We will close this incident once we are fully recovered and all systems are operational.
Posted Jul 19, 2024 - 19:39 CEST
Currently all platforms are online and receiving telematics data.
Some features in Trackunit manager (IRIS) might not be functioning correctly, or with a delay which we are working to resolve.
Posted Jul 19, 2024 - 17:30 CEST
We continue to work to recover all systems to operational state.

Application status:
Currently trackunit IRIS and Trackunit mobile apps such as Go and ON are operational but some features and actions within the application is being delayed.
This means that for example user activations and others is queued in the system, but are not being completed right now.

Trackunit Classic is operational.
Trackunit Onei3 is operational.

Telematics data:
OneI3 (m7) telematics data are currently being processed, delays can occour, we do not expect there to be telematics data lost.
Trackunit IRIS devices (TUXXX) data are being processed, delays can occour, and we do not expect telematics data to be lost.
Trackunit Classic devices telematics data are being processed, but we are investigating a potential data loss lasting roughly 2 hours between 06.00 - 08.00 CET.

We will update this statuspage once new information arises.
Posted Jul 19, 2024 - 15:45 CEST
We continue to work to recover all systems to operational state.

Application status:
Currently trackunit IRIS and Trackunit mobile apps such as Go and ON are operational but some actions within the application is being delayed.
This means that for example user activations and others is queued in the system, but are not being completed right now.
Classic is operational.
Onei3 is operational.

Telematics data:
OneI3 (m7) telematics data are currently being processed, delays can occour, we do not expect there to be telematics data lost.
Trackunit IRIS devices (TUXXX) data are being processed, delays can occour, and we do not expect telematics data to be lost.
Trackunit Classic devices telematics data are being processed, but we have encourred roughly 2 hours of data lost between 06.00 - 08.00 CET.
Posted Jul 19, 2024 - 13:05 CEST
SCOM view has recovered.
We are continuing to work on recovering systems.
Posted Jul 19, 2024 - 11:50 CEST
We are still working to recover the platforms impacted.
Currently we estimate that this work will continue until 13.00 CET.
Once this is done, platforms will be available, but minor issues such as smaller data delays or issues with changing user accounts (creation, deletion or updating might still be present)
Posted Jul 19, 2024 - 11:24 CEST
Our phone provider has recovered and support should be reachable via phone again.

Current status:
We are working to recover the remaining platforms, and estimate to have recovered most functionality within 2 hours.
Once this is done there will be a back log of data that has to be parsed, which can take up to 6 hours.
Posted Jul 19, 2024 - 10:21 CEST
Some customers are reporting issues contacting our support via phone.
We are aware of this issue, which is caused by the phone provider also having an outage.

Current status:
We are working to recover the remaining platforms, and estimate to have recovered most functionality within 2 hours.
Once this is done there will be a back log of data that has to be parsed, which can take up to 6 hours.
Posted Jul 19, 2024 - 10:09 CEST
Some customers are reporting issues contacting our support via phone.
We are aware of this issue, which is caused by the phone provider also having an outage.

Current status:
We are working to recover the remaining platforms, and estimate to have recovered most functionality within 2 hours.
Once this is done there will be a back log of data that has to be parsed, which can take up to 6 hours.
Posted Jul 19, 2024 - 10:06 CEST
Access control has recovered
Posted Jul 19, 2024 - 09:18 CEST
We have identified the cause, and are currently working to restore functionality across all platforms.
Some features currently works but there can be general unstability in the systems.

We are aware that this is also impacting access control and are currently working to restore functionality.
Posted Jul 19, 2024 - 09:04 CEST
We have identifed the issue, and are currently working to restore availability to the platform.
Currently we are having impact on multiple products, such as Onei3, Trackunit Manager, Trackunit mobile apps and classic.

We do currently not have an estimated time for when we are back online.
We will update this page again 09.00 CET or when new information arises.
Posted Jul 19, 2024 - 07:49 CEST
Due to an infrastructure issue, some users can experience problems with access to our systems. Classic access control might also be affected and delays may occur
Posted Jul 19, 2024 - 06:56 CEST
This incident affected: Trackunit Manager, Trackunit Go, Trackunit On, Trackunit API, Streaming API, Trackunit Verify, SCOM View, Manager Classic, Onei3, and Trackunit Website.